
Minimum Registration Requirements

Congrats on completing your application! The following steps are required of all students prior to registration.
1. Active College Application

Students returning after one academic year must re-apply for admissions. Your student ID number and username will remain the same.

2. My Placements

My Placements is a tool to help students select math and English classes. This tool is required of all new students, even if you do not plan to take math or English this semester. You will sign in using your WVM Student ID Number, which is sent by email after applying.

3. Clear Prerequisites As Needed

A prerequisite is a course or skill which is required before you can enroll in a particular course. West Valley College has prerequisites that must be met before taking certain classes. For example, CHEM 1A with a grade of C or better is required before you can take CHEM 1B. Please review the course sequence for your chosen major to determine if there are prerequisites required.