Catalog 2024-2025

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CIST 004B: Data Structures using Advanced C++

Course Description

This is a continuation of CIST 004A (Introduction to Computer Programming I-C++) intended for students majoring in CIS-Computer Science Option and/or planning to transfer to a 4-year college or university Computer Science program. CIST 004B introduces concepts of abstract data types, C++ classes, separate compilation, and information hiding. Topics in data structures (dynamic allocation, linked lists, stacks and queues, and binary trees), and sorting/searching algorithms are introduced. The course includes both lecture and programming in C++.

Units: 4

  • Credit - Degree Applicable
  • Transferable to both UC and CSU

Course Details

  • Grade Options: Letter Grade, Pass/No Pass
  • In-Class Lecture Hours: 64 – 72
  • In-Class Lab Hours: 0

Requisites and Advisories

  • Prerequisites: CIST 004A
  • Co-Requisites: None
  • Advisory: MATH 106 or MATH 106R

Transfer Details

  • CSU/UC: Transferable to both UC and CSU
  • C-ID: COMP 132 - Programming Concepts and Methodology II