
Community Protection and Compliance Officers

West Valley College aims to provide an environment free from discrimination, mistreatment and harassment. 看片视频 is an environment where all people should be able to engage in learning and working safely. 看片视频 aims for students and employees from all backgrounds to be valued, celebrated, protected and loved. If there is ever a situation where a student or employee does face mistreatment, the College has systems and people in place for accountability and community restoration.

Title IX Coordinator
Sex discrimination, harassment, stalking, and sexual misconduct
Student Conduct Officer

Behavioral misconduct and academic dishonesty

ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Compliance Coordinator

Ensure students have equitable, disability access, and respond to concerns about disability discrimination (under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 & 508 of the Rehabilitation Act).

EEO Officer (Equal Employment Opportunity)

Equal Employment Officer, equity and discrimination officer

AB620 LGBTQ+ Discrimination Officer

Discrimination, harassment, and mistreatment of transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) students and employees